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Diving the Farne Islands
Seals. Lots of seals. I apologise in advance - this may become repetitive.
Inquisitive seal.
Inquisitive seal being photogenic.
Inquisitive seal getting a little too close.
Seal just mooching on by.
Seal swimming by nonchalantly.
Ruth evading an overly friendly seal, and simultaneously trying to take a photograph...
Seal eyeing Ruth up suspiciously.
Three seals all trying to nip each others flippers - while Ruth photographs them,
Seal ballet.
A seal takes an interest in Ruth's fins...
... then attempts to give them a good bite!
Seal with kelp.
Seal in kelp.
Seal gazing out from the kelp mournfully.
Seal with amusing whiskers.
Cute seal.
Seal with seal traffic behind.
Ruth impersonating an aeroplane while a seal tries to nibble her fins.
A veritable smorgasbord of seals.
Getting rather close again...
I think this one is eyeing up my fins.
Letting bubbles out through his nose - neat trick!
Seal anjoying attention received for nasal bubble trick.
Sealiver Twist - "Please sir, can I have some more?"
Seal trying to sneak up through the kelp.
Seal biting my fin.
Ruth. The only photo in this set with no seals!
Ian Stevenson
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