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Mount Tamalplais
We had a Friday off work for the 4th July weekend, so we headed up to Mount Tamalpais State Park
The view towards the coast from the car park at the East Peak
The view towards the bay. The ocean is covered in foge, hiding most of San Francisco from us.
The summit.
A sign on the trail to the summit warning of rattlesnakes.
Neil boldly heads off up the trail.
The plank-walk quickly gives way to rough trail.
Furtunately we're only walking the last third of a mile - we originally planned to hike from the bottom before being held up in traffic.
You can just about make out Alcatraz in this one, and just the seafront of San Francisco is peeping out from the shroud of fog.
The view across the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge.
A family on the rocks.
No Entry.
Mountainside. It's surprisingly green given the baking heat - I'm being quietly baked here,
Ahh, some shade on the trail back down.
More fog.
Yet more fog.
Have you spotted the theme yet?
Aesthetically I rather like the double yellow lines up the middle of roads in the US.
Neil wandering back down from the viewpoint...
...to our trusty steed. Actually this is the 4th car we've had. It's a rather snazzy* Chevy Malibu.
Note, the fact that the next word is Chevy should make it clear that my use of the word snazzy is entirely sarcastic.
Alpine Lake. A rather tranquil and beautiful spot.
The cascades flowing into the lake. Another beautiful stop on the trail.
Ian Stevenson
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